Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Adjusting to "Family Life"

We were so thrilled to bring our baby home from the hospital. She slept for a few minutes after we arrived, but was quickly waking and rooting around. It was time to feed her.

We had done this several times by ourselves at the hospital. For some reason though, it seemed to be much more stressful now that we were home and really on our own. We couldn't have our nurse call the lactation consultant at any point. I had been pumping since day one so we had a great stash in the freezer, but I was determined to breastfeed my baby and wanted to avoid bottles now that she would be with me at all times. This proved to be very difficult however, and Amelia did have a bottle here and there.

Using a feeding tube threaded inside a nipple shield, I was able to breastfeed Amelia. We would give her a taste of pumped milk through the tube (it just dripped into the shield) and got her sucking. Eventually we wouldn't need the tube anymore, and after a couple more weeks I wouldn't have to use the shield anymore either.

After her first meal at home, she took her first nap in her Great-Granddaddy's cradle, where her father has also napped.

Nathan and I were really looking forward to spending a full two weeks at home together with Amelia, but this was cut short due to her time in the NICU. Luckily we did get one full week before he had to return to work. This was especially helpful since we had constant phone calls and paperwork regarding insurance, oxygen tanks, monitors, and the home health nurse. I was struggling with breastfeeding (the oxygen tubes did not help) and my hormones were adjusting. Honestly, I was scared that I would not be able to do it all by myself once Nathan went back to work.

Somehow I was able to handle it. Sure, I got overwhelmed plenty of times and often called Nathan for an opinion or support, but overall it worked out great. Once Amelia was no longer on oxygen, it was even better. We were able to leave the house more easily, which worked wonders for my sanity. Nursing was getting easier too, and that definitely calmed my nerves. Nathan was great about taking Amelia when he got home from work every evening, and I got a much-needed break. We were all so much happier now that the hospital and NICU were in the past.

Meeting Uncle Kevin:

and Auntie Beth:

Her cousin Dylan:

(Amelia also met her Uncle Andrew that day, but somehow we did not get a picture.)

Hangin' out with the Grandparents Peterson:


After her first sponge bath at home:

Sweet little sleeper:


1 comment:

Beth said...

I love my sweet baby niece!